Friday, January 8, 2010

How close can an object get near the sun without it burning up?

depends on the chemicals the object is made out ofHow close can an object get near the sun without it burning up?
Depend on the object that it made up if it has a a very high mass that mean it going to burn very slow, but if it has a low mass it going to burn easier.And depend on a chemical composition of that object too. I know one object that not burn when it near to the sun is comet(composition of ice,frozen methane, frozen ammonia) it not burn, but it vaporize yeah it vaporize and after it get to the sun very close it will go in the orbital of the sun and then it going to sling shot heading to somewhere else --How close can an object get near the sun without it burning up?
Noone is absolutely certain because no test runs have been attempted but it is most likely within 1-3 million or so miles given the fact we are 93 million miles from the sun.

Anyways due to the cornacopia of sunspots and solar flares emmitted by the sun, all electricity on the space craft or object would be disabled and youd be screwed.
That depends on what the object is made of. Also, it depends on what your definition of ';burn up'; is. Usually burn up means to break out into a fire - but fire requires oxygen which is absent in space.
6,666,666 miles.

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