Friday, January 8, 2010

What determines whether an object will sink or float?

the ice floats because the ice has less density thenthe water and has less massWhat determines whether an object will sink or float?
well the answers are correct but they skirt the real scientic reason. An object will float because it is bouyant and it has bouyancy because it DISPLACES ITS OWN WEIGHT IN THE WATER. If a shipe weighs 10 ton (remember this is an example) it will float if it displaces or moves out of its way, 10 ton of water. The shape of the bottom determines how far into the water the ship will ride, but it will still displace its weight while it floats. Very small light items float, like insects you see in or on a pond surface, float because of water adhesion.

Taker a boat and put it in the water, its shape of the bottom pushes the water aside until it has moved enough water to replace its weight, and the ship floats. Take the same ship, which weighs the same, and place it in the water bow or stern first, and it will sink, because it is not designed to push aside water unlesss it is right side up and on its bottom.What determines whether an object will sink or float?

The tendency or capacity to remain afloat in a liquid or rise in air or gas.

The upward force that a fluid exerts on an object less dense than itself. ...and that is exactly why ice floats in water..
Determined by its density
buoyancy and density.

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