Sunday, December 27, 2009

Is their any simple test that will determine if a object is a meteorite or not?

This object is very heavy and shows signs of having ben subjecter to intense heat.Is their any simple test that will determine if a object is a meteorite or not?
If you can slice off a small section with a rock saw, you should see either:

If iron meteorite the iron will have a unique criss-cross pattern in the metal.

If it is an iron-stone combination you should see almost like a mosaic pattern with the iron surrounding small specs of stone.

There are many books by a guy O. Richard Norton and illistrated by his wife Dorothy. They are fantastic meteorite experts and his books are very interesting about meteorites and hunting them. I recomend reading any of them.Is their any simple test that will determine if a object is a meteorite or not?
Lick it...If it has that distinct meteorite taste (kinda like macaroni cheese, beer and leather) than you know its gotta be some freaky alien rock.
a meteorit is a big piece of rock or half metal and half rock meteorits are small like 5000 m2 if a meteroit like this would hit earth it will erase half of romania or it all =[

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